
Sullivan Statement on Reported Death of Alexei Navalny

MUNICH—U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) and chairman of the International Republican Institute (IRI), released the following statement in response to the reported death of imprisoned Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

“Alexei Navalny was a very courageous Russian leader, respected by millions of Russians. His murder—and, let's be clear: he was murdered—underscores the danger of the world in which we’re living and the brutality of the Putin regime. But it also underscores a huge vulnerability for the dictators of the world—Putin, the ayatollahs in Iran, and Xi Jinping: They fear their own people. Navalny had millions of Russians who looked up to him and wanted him to be an elected leader. As Putin was heading into his elections in the next several weeks, he decided to kill Navalny. The fact that dictators around the world fear their own people is a vulnerability that we have to work harder to exploit in our fight against authoritarian aggression.”

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