
Sullivan Solicits Applications for Alaska’s Vacant Federal Judgeship

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan today invited interested Alaskans to apply to the Alaska Federal Judiciary Council (AFJC) for Alaska’s vacant federal district court judgeship. Applicants must fill out the questionnaire on Sen. Sullivan’s website that will be reviewed by the AFJC. The council, representing a broad, diverse cross-section of Alaskan professionals, was convened by Sen. Sullivan in September to make recommendations on the vacancy.

“Federal judges have an extraordinary level of responsibility in our constitutional system of government, rendering decisions with far-reaching implications for our economy, land and resources, and public safety,” said Sen. Sullivan. “We have an abundance of well-qualified individuals in Alaska with strong credentials and character who would make an outstanding federal judge. I want to invite interested Alaskans with a heart for public service to put their names forward. The Alaska Federal Judiciary Council will review candidates in the coming weeks and determine finalists to appear before the Council for interviews.”

Senators in more than 25 other states—like Hawaii, Texas, and Illinois—have used a council like the one created by Sen. Sullivan to vet federal judicial candidates prior to making recommendations. Senators forward recommendations to the White House, which gives the names significant weight when making a nomination for a vacancy. This tradition is based on the Senate’s “blue slip” practice and the Senate’s “advice and consent” role in the U.S. Constitution.

Click here to download the application packet. Completed applications are due by November 20 and can be submitted to AFJC@Sullivan.Senate.gov.

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