
Sullivan Situation Report (SITREP) -- June 27, 2018


What to Watch – FARM Bill:

This week, the Senate focuses its efforts on the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, also known as the Farm Bill – a multi-year law that governs an array of agricultural and food/ nutrition programs. Though Senator Sullivan is not a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, he continues to engage on a number of important issues as the legislation moves forward in the Senate. Stay tuned for more.

Retirement of Supreme Court Justice Kennedy:

Justice Kennedy

As many have seen by now, Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy announced today that he will retire effective July 31, 2018, giving President Trump the opportunity to appoint his second judge to the high court. Senator Sullivan offered the following statement on Justice Kennedy’s retirement:

“I would like to thank Justice Kennedy for his years of service to our nation and for his unwavering commitment to civility. I wish him and his family the very best in their future endeavors. Going forward, the President has the opportunity to nominate a justice who believes in textualism as it relates to interpreting the Constitution and statutes, and who understands the importance of federalism and the separation of powers as critical components of safeguarding liberty in our Constitutional order. I look forward to a rigorous nomination process in the Senate and I am hopeful that we can use the now-cancelled August recess to hold hearings to nominate our next Supreme Court Justice.” 

Although some have already begun echoing claims by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer regarding process and President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland, the Washington Post was quick to offer this response:


Sullivan Hosts Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis in Alaska:


Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan walk the flight line at Eielson Air Force Base.

Earlier this week, Senator Sullivan hosted Secretary Mattis for a whirlwind tour of Alaska-based military missions, assets and world class training areas. The takeaways were many and Secretary Mattis gave Alaska the credit it deserves, stating at the conclusion of a joint press conference: 

“Senator, your airbases, your radars, the training of your soldiers in the most difficult climates in the world -- means they're ready for anything -- the interceptors we have up here, I would just tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that, Alaska, in many ways, is the absolute center of the defense of our country, and for the Indo-Pacific, and certainly, over the polar ice cap."

A video recapping Secretary Mattis’ 24-hour trip to Alaska is quickly making its way around social media – we encourage you to take a look.

Mattis Tour

Recap Video: Sullivan Hosts Defense Secretary Mattis in Alaska (click image or here to watch).


Getting Things Done: A Record of Accomplishment

The Republican-led Senate continues its work to pass legislation that makes critical investments in our nation’s priorities.

Last week, the Senate passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), important legislation that will provide our troops with the resources, equipment, and training they need and deserve. The NDAA is the latest in a long list of accomplishments that include: reforming our tax code, providing relief from burdensome Dodd-Frank red tape, helping to reform the way our veterans receive care, providing terminally ill patients with access to potentially life-saving treatments, enacting legislation to help combat human trafficking, and confirming judges at a record pace.


Accomplishments of the 115th Congress (click image or here to watch).


Recap from Washington, DC:

Last Friday, Senator Sullivan filmed his latest edition of This Week in Washington to discuss some of the issues of the week, including recent news that John Sturgeon will once again bring his case before the Supreme Court, the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act, and developments regarding trade and immigration.

This Week in Washington

This Week in Washington (June 22, 2018): Recap from Senator Sullivan (click image or here to watch).


Alaskan of the Week: Greg Brown

U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK) spoke on the Senate floor last week to recognize recently retired teacher Greg Brown as our Alaskan of the Week. Mr. Brown is a legend among his former students at A.J. Dimond High School in Anchorage, where for 25 years he taught European and U.S. history, art history, philosophy, and student government. He is such a revered teacher that his former students raised $16,500 for him to travel the world in his retirement.


Senator Sullivan honoring Greg Brown as Alaskan of the Week (click image or here to watch.


A Look Back in Photos:


Senator Sullivan and Bill Gates met earlier today to discuss U.S. global leadership, including areas of development and health. 


sec Def Mattis

Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-AK), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, speaks during a joint press conference with U.S. Secretary of Defense James N. Mattis (Click image or here to watch).



Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan, Leslie Hadukavich, Secretary of Defense James N. Mattis, U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Ken Wilsbach, the 11th Air Force commander, Col. David Mineau, the 354th Fighter Wing Fighter Wing commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Gene Kapuchuck, the 354th FW interim command chief, pose for a photo June 25, 2018 at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska. Mattis stopped in Alaska at the invitation of Senator Sullivan before continuing a tour of the Indo-Pacific Region.


AK History Day

Senator Sullivan meeting with a group of Alaska History Day Students during their visit to Washington, D.C. 

Note: The Sullivan Situation Report (SITREP) is a broad-based effort to share information and congressional updates with Alaskans. This weekly (sometimes biweekly) gathering of information is a place for conversation, news, missed items, and insight into the week before and the days ahead. This is a new endeavor, one that will certainly change and grow over time, but something Senator Sullivan’s communications team is excited to develop with your feedback. This email is meant to be shared. If you know someone who would like to be added to the Sullivan SITREP distribution list, please email matt_shuckerow@sullivan.senate.gov