
Sullivan, Senate Advance Legislation to Protect Youth Health and Safety Online

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), a member of the Senate Commerce Committee, today voted to pass the Kids Online Safety and Privacy Act, legislation to protect the health, wellbeing, and privacy of children online. This bill combines provisions from the Kids Online Safety Act, of which Sen. Sullivan was an original cosponsor, and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act to combat harmful online content targeted towards minors and to encourage parent and guardian involvement in their children’s online activities. Sen. Sullivan has long advocated for accountability from social media platforms in regard to youth mental health, especially as suicide rates among adolescents have skyrocketed over the last decade.  

“In my 2023 speech to the Alaska legislature, I told Alaska’s elected leaders that this would be a big battle, but that I’d fight to shake the vise grip social media has on our children,” Senator Sullivan said. “The Kids Online Safety and Privacy Act is a necessary first step in holding Big Tech accountable for the content they push towards our kids, and giving parents the tools to be more involved in their kids’ online activity, but we have more work to do. As a parent, it is impossible not to hear stories about young people seemingly addicted to their phones and social media accounts. Even those who aren’t parents know something is horribly amiss with a whole generation who have been so addicted by Big Tech that they can’t seem to look up from their phones. More troubling, suicide rates among adolescents have increased dramatically in the last decade with the rise of social media. We must do more to protect our children. We can have the strongest economy, the best quality of life, but none of that means anything if our kids are depressed and are considering ending their lives because of what they’re consuming online.”

Below is a timeline of Sen. Sullivan’s work on Big Tech accountability and mental health:
