
Sullivan Responds to White House Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK) released the following statement today on the White House’s proposed fiscal year 2018 budget request:

“As I have said before, it’s important to remember that Congress holds the power of the purse, and will ultimately fund the federal government.

“From my initial review, I see some positive elements in today’s budget request from the Trump administration, such as opening the non-wilderness 1002 area for responsible resource development, and a continued increase in funding for combatting our nation’s opioid and heroin epidemic – something that I’ve strongly advocated for.

“With regard to defense spending, while the President’s budget proposal is an improvement and an increase over the severely-depressed Obama-era defense budgets, and includes $170 million of military construction for Alaska, I remain concerned that – in an increasingly dangerous world – this budget proposal does not provide enough resources to really begin rebuilding our military. 

“I am strongly opposed to specific reductions in this budget that disproportionately target rural economies across our country, including in Alaska – cutting funds for Essential Air Service, water and wastewater infrastructure, low-income heating assistance, and critical education programs.

“In the months ahead, I’ll be working with the other members of the Alaska Delegation to fight for programs and funding that are vital for Alaska and will help grow our economy.”
