
Sullivan: Reporting of Possible CCP Spies in Alaska is Another Wake-Up Call to New Era of Authoritarian Aggression

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC), released the following statement after news reports surfaced of Chinese citizens, suspected of espionage, attempting to breach military installations in Alaska:

“Whether it’s a Chinese spy balloon, Russian Bear Bombers, or this new reporting of suspected Chinese spies in Alaska, this is another wake-up call that we are in a new era of authoritarian aggression led by dictators in China and Russia,” Senator Sullivan said. “It’s also another example of just how important Alaska is for America’s national defense. In my oversight role, I am pressing for more details on these alleged security breaches and will continue to work with the Defense Department to ensure our installations in Alaska remain secure.”

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