
Sullivan: North Korean Nuclear Test Emphasizes Alaska’s Strategic Importance

WASHINGTON, D.C -- U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK) released the following statement on the recent reports of a hydrogen bomb test by North Korea late last evening.

“The disturbing news out of North Korea, if confirmed, further illustrates the strategic short-sidedness of removing America’s only Airborne Brigade Combat Team in the entire Asia-Pacific.

"Alaska's strategically placed forces are critical to our nation's Arctic and Asia-Pacific security. With an unstable North Korean dictator with nuclear capabilities, and a massive build-up of Russian military forces in the Arctic, why has the Obama Administration made the decision to downsize Alaska's military forces?

"I commend Chief of Staff of the Army General Milley for his efforts to re-examine the planned reduction of the 4-25 IBCT (ABN), and was pleased that the new Undersecretary of the Army Patrick Murphy committed to me during a Senate Armed Services hearing that he would support the development of a strong Operations Plan for the Arctic.

"Weakness is provocative. The United States’ credibility in responding to major international events is being challenged and our enemies know it, as do our allies. Bolstering our forces in the North would send a strong message that the United States is serious about upholding our promises, reaffirming our alliances, and deterring aggression from our adversaries."

Senator Sullivan sits on the Senate Armed Services Committee. As part of his duties on that committee, he has traveled to the Asia-Pacific twice in the last year and has met with numerous senior government officials in the region.
