
Sullivan Chairs Oversight Hearing on NOAA Marine Sanctuaries

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK) today chaired a hearing of the Commerce Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast Guard overseeing the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Marine Sanctuaries program.  

“While the concept of National Marine Sanctuaries is well-intentioned, many of these protected areas have caused challenges for coastal communities that are dependent upon accessing America’s water resources,” said Senator Sullivan. “National Marine Sanctuaries establish duplicative regulations that can limit sustainable and economically beneficial commercial and recreational fishing, usurping the authority of existing management entities such as the Regional Fisheries Management Councils. When this happens, the protection of America’s precious marine resources is taken out of the hands of the very institutions and experts who have done so successfully for generations.”

The hearing featured the testimony of several stakeholders and witnesses who have dealt directly with National Marine Sanctuaries, including Ernie Weiss, Natural Resources Director for the Aleutians East Borough.

“The process to nominate National Marine Sanctuaries is a public process that necessarily includes local stakeholders, and that's a good thing,” said Mr. Weiss. “However, the process would be strengthened by requiring initial involvement in proposal submission by local community groups that would be most impacted. Regional Fisheries Management Councils must be consulted prior to designation, but in the North Pacific, the council is already the right management authority doing the work supported by communities, protecting the marine environment while providing research and educational opportunities.”

The full hearing can be viewed at:

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