
Sullivan & Kaine Introduce Bipartisan Resolution to Recognize “Blue Star Welcome Week”

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senators Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) and Tim Kaine (D-Va.), members of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC), announced the introduction of a bipartisan resolution to designate September 21-29, 2024, as “Blue Star Welcome Week.” Blue Star Welcome Week is a nationwide campaign to build a better sense of belonging and community for military families, many of whom face frequent moves and transfers. 

“Alaska’s military members and their families sacrifice so much on behalf of our state and our country,” said Sen. Sullivan. “Frequent moves can put strain on families trying to establish ties in the communities in which they serve. Blue Star Welcome Week is an opportunity to reach out and connect with our brave men and women in uniform and their loved ones who serve our country to make them feel welcomed and supported by their fellow Americans.”

“Many servicemembers and their families are stationed in Virginia, and I’m proud that the Commonwealth has welcomed them into our communities,” said Sen. Kaine. “Blue Star Welcome Week is an opportunity to thank military families for their sacrifices, connect with our neighbors, and help military families feel at home in their new communities.”

Full text of the resolution is available here.  
