
Sullivan & 69 U.S. Senators Advance National Security Legislation

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC), today released the following statement after voting with 69 of his fellow senators to pass legislation to strengthen America’s defense industrial base and provide weapons to America’s allies facing threats abroad.

“The United States is in one of the most dangerous periods since World War II. Authoritarian dictators—Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin and the Ayatollahs in Iran—are on the march and working together across the globe to weaken and challenge America’s national security and that of our allies. Our ability to defend our nation has dramatically atrophied due to the Biden administration’s lack of seriousness on national security issues and America’s declining capacity to produce weapons. The primary focus of this legislation is to enhance America’s industrial capacity to build weapons systems and produce ammunition. This has to be our number one priority during these dangerous times. Tens of billions of dollars will go to our country’s capacity to rapidly produce an entire array of weapons—everything from nuclear submarines to 155-millimeter artillery rounds. That’s why I believe this bill should be called the ‘Revitalizing America’s Defense Industrial Base’ supplemental. Helping our allies defeat unprovoked authoritarian aggression by providing them much-needed weapons and intelligence is also critical. The citizens of Israel, Taiwan, and Ukraine all face true existential threats posed by dictators that want to crush them. I was heartened to see 70 U.S. senators come together to support this important legislation that will bolster our defense industrial base, create thousands of good-paying jobs, and help America and our allies deter authoritarian aggression and, if necessary, fight and win wars.”

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