
Senators Sullivan, Cramer Statements on the Deal to Cut Oil Production

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senators Kevin Cramer (R-N.D) and Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) issued the following statements on the United States, Russia, and Saudi Arabia striking a deal to cut oil production today:

“The outlines of this unanimous agreement appear to be quite significant. Senator Cramer and I, along with several of our Senate colleagues, have been working hard for the past three weeks for this successful outcome,” said Senator Sullivan. “I want to thank Secretary of Energy Brouillette, and especially President Trump, who was very personally engaged with world leaders over the last several days on this issue, and played the critical role in having it come together. As I’ve stated before, actions will speak louder than words on the implementation of this agreement. We will be watching this closely. It is my hope that this deal will bring much needed stability to energy markets in Alaska and throughout our country and will halt additional job losses in our oil and gas sector.”

“Thank you to President Trump and Secretary Brouillette for your strong and tireless advocacy on behalf of American oil producers, which sealed this unprecedented deal. Without it, the United States could have lost its energy dominance along with the security and thousands of good-paying jobs it brings,” said Senator Cramer. “We know this fight isn’t over. We have to make sure these countries hold up their end of the deal, and we will be watching every step of the way.”

This agreement involves 23 countries committing to collectively withhold 9.7 million barrels a day of oil from global markets.

The senators spoke with the Secretary of Energy today after the deal was struck. Yesterday, they led a call with Saudi defense and energy officials to highlight the importance of securing an agreement and following through on it. Learn more here.
