
Sen. Sullivan Fights Against Efforts to Pack the Supreme Court

Sullivan, colleagues introduce a constitutional amendment and a resolution of condemnation

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) and several of his Senate colleagues have re-introduced a constitutional amendment to limit the Supreme Court of the United States to nine justices, and a separate resolution condemning recent Democratic efforts to pack the court. Although the court has had nine justices since 1869, Democratic members of the House and Senate have introduced legislation to expand the court, and President Joe Biden has signed an executive order establishing a commission to study packing the court.

“Some of the most far-left members of both the House and the Senate have made it clear they intend to transform some of the most foundational institutions in our government, including the Supreme Court,” said Senator Sullivan. “These efforts to pack and expand the court are deeply disturbing and ultimately driven by a partisan instinct to grab power and install justices who will legislate from the bench—and, more immediately, to exert pressure on the justices to rule in certain ways, or face consequences. With Democrats in the White House and Congress veering further and further toward the extreme left, it has never been more urgent for us to protect the legitimacy of our nation’s highest court, which is why I’ve joined my colleagues in taking action against these detrimental attacks.”

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