
Alaska Congressional Welcomes Grant for Earthquake Long-Term Disaster Recovery

State of Alaska to Receive $35 Million HUD Grant for Housing, Economic Development, Infrastructure, and Services Programs

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski, Dan Sullivan, and Congressman Don Young, all R-Alaska, today welcomed the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) grant announcement that the State of Alaska is set to receive $35,856,000 to support long-term disaster recovery efforts from the November 30, 2018 Cook Inlet Earthquake. The 7.1 magnitude earthquake and nearly 8,000 subsequent aftershocks impacted the Municipality of Anchorage, Mat-Su Borough, and the Kenai Peninsula Borough, causing widespread damage to infrastructure such as highways, roads, and bridges, as well as schools, homes, and businesses. 

The support comes through HUD’s Community Development Block Grant- Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Program, which helps communities that have experienced natural disasters rebuild and increase their resilience to future disasters. Specifically, the grant addresses seriously damaged housing, businesses, and other infrastructure. This is the first time Alaska has received CDBG-DR funds.

“Alaskans are resilient but the reality is, the road to recovery is not a short one,” said the Alaska Congressional Delegation. “This federal assistance will go a long way towards meeting continued needs for long-term recovery. We are thankful for the input of Alaskans who worked to develop thoughtful recovery plans and for HUD for recognizing the importance of coming alongside us to meet these needs—helping Alaskans and our communities recover. From day one, we were assured by the administration that Alaskans would have what they need to deal with and recover from what was a devastating earthquake. We are pleased to see that promise being carried out.” 

Background: The CDBG-DR funding supplements other Federal recovery assistance programs administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Small Business Administration (SBA). To date, nearly $130 million in federal assistance has been provided to Alaskans impacted by the Cook Inlet Earthquake through FEMA programs and SBA low-interest disaster loans.
