
Alaska Congressional Delegation Continues to Fight for Bypass Mail Program in Alaska

ANCHORAGE, AK –U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski, Dan Sullivan, and Representative Don Young, all R-Alaska, issued the following statement after taking part in a call with U.S. Postmaster General DeJoy, regarding his previous statements on the Bypass Mail program, while testifying at a Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee hearing on August 21.        

“After a productive and educational meeting with Postmaster General DeJoy earlier this week, we are pleased to see that he has come to recognize the importance, and is committed to maintaining, the Bypass Mail program in Alaska. We appreciate that Postmaster General DeJoy listened to our concerns and the concerns of Alaskans across our state. As we expressed to him repeatedly in our meeting – the USPS in Alaska is vital to our way of life. Bypass Mail is frequently misunderstood by those in the Lower 48, sometimes causing it to be unfairly targeted. Simply put, the Bypass Mail program – which is a critical service for rural Alaska – helps to fulfill the USPS’ universal service obligation, all while saving the USPS money. The Alaska Delegation is united, and will continue to vigorously stand guard to protect the vital Bypass Mail program and Alaska’s unique way of life.”

To read the full statement released by Postmaster General DeJoy following the discussion with the Alaska Congressional Delegation, click here. 
