In the News/Op-eds

March 2016
Alaska Dispatch News: Alaska must have clear path to pursue justice for young women in Allen case
February 2016
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: Pentagon recognizing Alaska's strategic value
Juneau Empire: Sullivan proposes new method of VA appeals
January 2016
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: Overstepped bounds on game management: Federal government goes too far in attempting to limit hunting in refuges
Associated Press: Senator moves to halt proposed ban on Alaska predator hunts
Juneau Empire: My Turn: Support the RED Tape Act
December 2015
Peninsula Clarion: Sullivan focuses on economy, regulation reform
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: Obamacare hurts Alaska most
November 2015
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: Senate OKs Sullivan bill to promote free lawyers for domestic violence, sexual assault victims
October 2015
The New York Times: NEW YORK TIMES: White House Moves to Reassure Allies With South China Sea Patrol, but Quietly
August 2015
Peninsula Clarion: Sullivan brings Washington to vets
Juneau Empire: President must experience 'real' Alaska through its people
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner : Fixing Alaska's model VA system: Used to reform national veterans' care, state system now needs help
Associated Press: Sullivan: Russian moves highlight Arctic concerns
June 2015
Juneau Empire: Alaska, Washington state must work together
May 2015
Associated Press: Alaska Sen. Sullivan to join Sen. McCain on trip to Vietnam
The Hill: OP-ED: ‘Rebalance’ to Asia calls for 3-pronged strategy
April 2015
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: Standing tall against sex trafficking: Sen. Dan Sullivan crafted worthy amendment to bill targeting sex trade
Juneau Empire: Sen. Dan Sullivan explains his views on the Iran deal and why
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: Sen. Dan Sullivan: Team of Apache helicopters likely moving to Fairbanks
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