
KTUU: “We’re gonna take this very seriously" - Murkowski, Sullivan react to impeachment

Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan both called the House impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump "rushed" but said they would take upcoming Senate hearings seriously. 

At the Holiday Luncheon sponsored by the Midnight Sun Special Events Committee in Anchorage on Friday, Sen. Murkowski said that it was not up for debate whether the House trial was rushed.

"I don’t think that that’s any great secret, whether you’re Republican or Democrat. It’s very clear that they wanted to advance things before Christmas," she said. 

Both Murkowski and Sullivan took issue with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California's, delay in forwarding articles of impeachment to the Senate, after Pelosi indicated that she wanted to ensure that the Senate impeachment rules were fair. 

"So now you got the speaker basically trying to use this as leverage to encourage us to perhaps adopt rules that maybe she would like better than hers - I don’t know," said Murkowski.

Click here to watch Senator Sullivan's full interview with Channel 2's Sean Maguire. 

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Source: KTUU